Graphic Design Services

EVOLV Digital Marketing is a full-service digital marketing agency. We’re also a graphic design agency drawn to projects that challenge our creativity and get us thinking outside the box.

If you’re looking for a company logo, business cards, brochures, flyers, or any other kind of

branding – don’t look any further!


It’s a competitive world, and making an excellent first impression is vital to communicating your objectives and establishing relationships with prospective clients. That is why developing a professional image and eye-catching materials are essential to an effective marketing strategy. Our graphic design agency team works collaboratively to give your company an eye-catching brand to put you ahead of your competitors. From logos to print work to packaging, we deliver inspired, practical, intelligent work for your brand.

Graphic Design Services We Offer

Logos and Branding

From the Nike Swoosh to Apple’s apple, the logo is a visual first impression for your brand. We’ve perfected the process of building unforgettable logos and branding.

Print Design

We’ll make sure that your print personas - from brochures to invitations to rack cards - communicate your message and convince your customers to return.


Whether it’s for a magazine, trade show, or digital advertising, creative design plays a vital role in your advertising strategy, and we can create ads that speak for you.

Business Cards & Letterhead

Don’t underestimate the importance of these two pieces when building your corporate identity. A little card says big things.

Email Signatures and Newsletters

Email signatures are especially useful for small business owners and entrepreneurs, who are constantly trying to build their personal brand alongside their company and are sending mass amounts of email communications on a daily basis. We also include domain and emails hosting for companies.

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Why Does Graphic Design Matter?

Graphic design plays a critical role in the buyer’s journey. It may start simply by getting a customer’s attention with a humorous, compelling, or interesting image in a display ad or social media post. This may lead them to a well-designed landing page that reinforces that same imagery. From there, they might visit a product page with a high-quality photo to further engage. Follow-up emails, social posts, infographics, and more will continue to feature consistent, well-thought-out designs–all the way through to conversion.

EVOLV Digital Marketing understands the big picture and what it should look like. We know that graphic design concepts need to easily carry over from your logo into email templates, brochures, and social media pages seamlessly, and we can make that happen for your brand.

Graphic Design In Social Media

How you are representing your brand online goes beyond your website and onto the pages of your social media accounts. Cover images and profile pictures are valuable real estate when it comes to sharing what you’re all about. Is your brand taking advantage of the free space by sharing the best design you can?

Images account for about 75% of content posted by brands on Facebook. And images generate an 87% engagement rate–more than 10 times more than text-based status updates or links. Adding an image to your tweet can increase retweets by over 35%. If you’re blogging (and you should be), images and infographics are key to keeping the reader interested and scrolling through your pages.

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